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The 1st Global Conversation
'Athena40: The Way to the Top'
International Women's Day 2019

New York | London | Athens | Amman | Istanbul | Lahore

The first ever events of its kind, connecting An audience of 500 influencers across six countries and four continents participated in a synchronised global conversation March 6th that had 45 speakers debating live just ahead of International Women’s’ Day, March 8th.


The conversation  in London was hosted by the Evening Standard and saw BBC World’s Tim Willcox as global moderator, connecting live to the 5 other panels to get a sense of what progress has been made regarding women’s empowerment, where the major challenges and opportunities for women lie, who are the real change makers globally, and what can be done to promote diversity and inclusivity – collaboratively and internationally.


"As a CEO, I never felt I had reached the top… I just got on with the job. I could just do more, make changes. Trust yourself, use your intuition because your intuition will serve you well”, commented 

Bridget McIntyre, one of the youngest female CEOs at a FTSE100 firm.


“Doing stand-up is scary… when they announce me, I have an out-of-body experience… and then you just

have to do it, and it’s fine! Don’t let ‘the best’ be the enemy of ‘the good”, said Ayesha Hazarika, writer, broadcaster and stand-up comedian.


Elizabeth H. Filippouli, Founder & CEO of Athena40 said: “They say that it has never been a better time to be a woman. I agree…but then that is not the case for every woman, this is why we started the Athena40 movement to understand and engage women across all cultures, into empowering conversations”.


“If you’re not failing, you’re playing it too safe. To overcome failure. you probably learn more than when you’re successful”, said Annabel Karmel MBE, UK’s No 1 author of children’s recipes


Doug Wills, Editor Emeritus of the Evening Standard opened the London event talking about the importance of having such conversations about gender equality.

Among the audience worldwide was HRH Princess Eugenie of York; British artist and song writer Ellie Goulding; The Rt. Hon. Lord John Alderdice; Sangita Kanoria, Founder of Advinia Health Care; Geraldine Sharpe Newton, GTF Advisory Board Member and Athena40 Founder Member; Dr. Fawaz Zubi, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Silicon Badia; Ciara Hurley-Stewart, Head of Retail Marketing and Partnerships, Asprey; Shada El Sharif, Director Jordan Investment Fund; Rebecca Thomley, CEO Orion Associates and Athena40 Founding Member;


Sheila Gulati, MD Global Capital; Julie Goran, Partner,  McKinsey (NYC); Alexandra King, CNN (NYC); Katherine Berjoan, Liberty Mutual (NYC); Ruba Borno, Cisco Systems (NYC); Irina Sacha, Founder, Verizon Media (Athens); Dana Rawashdah, Metlife (Amman).


Launched by the Global Thinkers Forum, a London-based social purpose organization with Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah as its Founding Patron, Athena40 is the first ever global selection of the most forward-thinking, innovative women from across all industries which will be published every two years. It was officially announced at UNESCO on International Women’s Day 2018.



Findings across panels included:

London, UK: “Women have smashed the glass ceiling in the corporate world, but more progress is required. There is still not enough appreciation of diversity. The biggest barrier is the fear from within and by creating mechanisms for recognition, such as Athena40, women will be acknowledged and encouraged to continue doing great things.”

Athens, Greece: “There is no glass ceiling, but a glass feeling. We create our glass ceilings. So we need mentors.  Women need more mentoring than men, so as to enable networking, break down gender obstacles to networking. We need to give back, on a one-to-one basis.”


Amman, Jordan: “Panelists stressed the importance of change starting in the education system to prompt positive change toward empowering women in Jordan, to disrupt the stereotypes and stop the perpetuation of gender disparity and decrease the masculinization of language in text books.”

New York, USA: “While conversations around women in leadership are happening, and there is a will to make them happen more, we need to focus on the steps that are taken after the conversation. Confidence starts at the age of 5. It’s important to start these conversations with younger generations and get young girls excited about being leaders”.

Istanbul, Turkey: “We are in need of more initiatives to encourage women to enter the business world, more opportunities for easy access to education, mentorship programs, scholarships, grants and obviously government support to scale impact. Solidarity and unity between women has a huge importance. Role models have great influence on the women especially suffering from lack of self-confidence”.
Lahore, Pakistan: “Technology is our partner and is helping women to be more successful. Civil societies need to work to raise awareness on women issues along with media. Data tells us women who are running businesses are twice as likely to send their children to school than women who don’t have their own businesses”.


Questions explored by all panels:


  1. What progress has been achieved in the past years with regards to the women's empowerment agenda in your country?

  2. Where are the major challenges and opportunities?

  3. Who are the real change-makers, the ones who can actively promote women's empowerment?

  4. What can be done to promote the diversity, inclusivity and women's empowerment agenda?

  5. What does the ‘’Way To The Top” mean to you? What is the 'top' and how does it feel to be at the top – to be an ‘Athena’?

  6. How are you different to your younger self, and what would you advise your younger self today?

  7. Do you find that you stop yourself from doing things because of fear, insecurity or social prejudice?

  8. Can you make a pledge that you will support a woman as mentor or sponsor or that you will promote a cause or a project that supports women? Please name it if so.

  9. Can you think of women - and men - from your country/region who have created - or are involved in - great projects, but have not receive the credit they deserve?

Strategic Partners and Supporters
The ‘Athena40 Global Conversation’ was in partnership with Afiniti; the Evening Standard; the British Chamber of Commerce Turkey; INJAZ Jordan; Vodafone Greece; House of Gharats; Knowl Social Enterprise Greece and Assembly Turkey. 


Tim Willcox

Tim Willcox

International News Broadcaster, BBC World News

Doug Wills

Doug Wills

Editor Emeritus, London Evening Standard

Deema Bibi

Deema Bibi


Michael E Economakis

Michael E Economakis

Executive Chairman, Petros Petropoulos SAIC (Plc)

Christopher Gaunt, OBE

Christopher Gaunt, OBE

Chairman, British Chamber of Commerce Turkey

Edward Oakden CMG

Edward Oakden CMG

British Ambassador, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Nighat Said Khan

Nighat Said Khan

Executive Director at ASR Resource Centre (ASR)

HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan

HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan

President, Royal Scientific Society

Elizabeth H. Filippouli

Elizabeth H. Filippouli

Founder & CEO, Global Thinkers Forum & Athena40

Julia de Boinville

Julia de Boinville

VP Business Development, Afiniti

Annabel Karmel MBE

Annabel Karmel MBE

Entrepreneur & Best-selling International Author

Neishaa Gharat

Neishaa Gharat

Designer & Founder, House Of Gharats

Ayesha Hazarika MBE

Ayesha Hazarika MBE

Political Commentator UK

Bridget McIntyre

Bridget McIntyre

Former Chief Executive Officer, RSA Insurance

HRH Princess Beatrice of York

HRH Princess Beatrice of York

VP Partnerships & Strategy, Afiniti

Lili Hall

Lili Hall

Founder & CEO, KNOCK Inc

Lisa Baldwin

Lisa Baldwin

Chief Information Officer, Tiffany & Co.

Alicia Hatch

Alicia Hatch

CMO, Deloitte Digital

Shelley Zalis

Shelley Zalis

CEO, The Female Quotient

Dana Strong

Dana Strong

President, Consumer Services, Comcast Cable

Olga Stavropoulou

Olga Stavropoulou

Founding Member, Knowl Social Enterprise

Kate Smith, CMG

Kate Smith, CMG

British Ambassador, Hellenic Republic

Natalia Katifori - Kolotoura

Natalia Katifori - Kolotoura

Co-founder & MD, OPUS Integrated Communication

Katia Stathaki

Katia Stathaki

Director Vodafone Business, Vodafone Greece

Myladie Stoumbou

Myladie Stoumbou

Director, Commercial Partner Programs, Microsoft Corp

Lefteris Trechas

Lefteris Trechas

Chief Operations Officer, APIVITA SA

Mary Nazzal

Mary Nazzal

Partner, 17 Asset Management

Dr Wafa Al Khadra

Dr Wafa Al Khadra

Dean, American University of Madaba

Shermine Dajani

Shermine Dajani

CEO, Panmed Energy

Samar Nassar

Samar Nassar

Board Member, United Arab Football Association

Dr Salma Nims

Dr Salma Nims

Secretary-General, Jordanian National Commission Women

Nurdeniz Tuncer

Nurdeniz Tuncer

Owner, Law firm of Nurdeniz Tuncer

Tim Bright

Tim Bright

Partner, One World Consulting

Lale Can

Lale Can

Managing Director, Afiniti Turkey

Didem Altop

Didem Altop

Managing Director, Endeavour Turkey

Ebru Ozderim

Ebru Ozderim

Chairwoman, Limak Investments

Begum Cana Ozgur

Begum Cana Ozgur


Simay Dinc

Simay Dinc

Co-founder & Game Producer, Recontact

Attiya Mahmood

Attiya Mahmood

Former Diplomat & Ambassador of Pakistan

Rishm Najm

Rishm Najm

Alternate Director, Lahore Grammar School

Dr Shamshad Akhtar

Dr Shamshad Akhtar

Former Under-Secretary-General, United Nations

Seema Aziz

Seema Aziz

Founder & Managing Director, Sefam

Omer Aftab

Omer Aftab

Social Entrepreneur

Maria Umar

Maria Umar

Founder & President, Women’s Digital League

Roshaneh Zafar

Roshaneh Zafar

Managing Director, Kashf Foundation

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